Wednesday, June 20, 2018

MaxScholar - MaxScholar Reading Intervention Program Review

If your student is struggling with reading skills due to conditions such as dyslexia, ADHD, processing disorders or other learning disabilities, MaxScholar Reading Intervention Program could be your answer.  We recently had the opportunity to review the MaxScholar Reading Intervention Program from MaxScholar.  What a great help to your learning!

MaxScholar Reading Intervention Program offers help to a proven multi-sensory approach for learners.  They have created a program that is visual, tactile and also auditory depending on how your child learns best.  They have based their program on the well-known Orton-Gillingham reading approach and strategy.  The MaxScholar Reading Intervention Program can be used on both computers (PC/laptops) and tablets.

Caty has a comprehension delay in her processing of material, which causes her trouble breaking down words whiles she is reading.  She also does not always understand vocabulary by just reading the words around the word, and she struggles with remembering letter sounds.

So we started with the MaxPhonics and she took the pretest.  She answered a series of questions to check how much she remembered about letter sounds and blends.  This did not take very long.  Since this program was created for kindergarten and up, it's important to test student's on the basics and make sure that they understand.  Caty passed the Phonics pretest and it didn't take long for her to be transferred into MaxWords. 

Since she understood basic phonics, she was able to start looking at word roots, prefixes, and suffixes more deeply.  This in turn has helped her spelling level improve also as she has been encourages to break down words more.

Each Lesson was only as long as she made it.  So the longer she sat there, the longer the lesson would  Seriously though, the length of the lessons are really great for kids with short attention spans.  Caty is easily distracted, and most days she spent just minutes on her lessons.  Some days she could do two lessons by splitting them up.  Or if she was struggling with a concept, I could tell by the grade she received and we could sit down and review the material together and have to take that lesson again.

During this level she also practiced her fluency.  Caty still has pronunciation problems.  So some days she might struggle with some letter combinations, but she was able to practice.

Caty also used MaxReading.  In this program, as a student improves in their reading the program adjusts to their learning and continues to help them improve in their reading and comprehension skills.  Some areas of the program is reading (or listening to audio book and following along) while other areas is comprehending pictures and then answering questions.

I really liked that even though Caty has improved in her reading prior to MaxReading, she was able to have passages read to her and she could follow along as the words were highlighted.  Students learn to distinguish between main ideas, supporting details and necessary information.  This helped to reinforce what we had been talking about in her grammar/writing, and having too much information in your writing.

I could see instantly what areas that Caty needed to have extra help in.  Some days she got frustrated if she missed questions.

But she was able to re-take the chapters and areas where she didn't score as well, in order to improve her grade.  She could also refer back to the chapter if she had questions or could not remember the material she was being asked about.

MaxScholar Reading Intervention Program continues to work to keep their program very user friendly for both the parents and kids using it.

Under my parents dashboard, I can track her grades, but also print practice materials or worksheets that can help her follow along if she's having trouble following the screen that day.  Yes there are days where her eyes strain and she struggles to follow.  I could print also so that she could review on both the screen and practice afterward.  This came in handy to build her a notebook for her assessor.

I did like the way that lessons are presented by MaxScholar Reading Intervention Program.  The program does grow with your child as they are making improvements in the skills they are struggling with.  I would recommend it even for older students who are struggling and need some extra help.  They are the ones that want to use online material and yet do not want the cartoon characters, because they feel they are too old for that.  I would definitely see MaxScholar Reading Intervention Program working for students in late elementary through middle school levels.

We will continue to include MaxScholar Reading Intervention Program in Caty's weekly schedule.  She has started to grasp the elements of literature, including the main idea and supporting details.  Her comprehension skills continue to improve, as well as her spelling skills with the use of MaxWords.  As she continues to improve, she is able to work more independently which is building her confidence.

Several members of the Homeschool Review Crew were given the opportunity to review the MaxScholar Reading Intervention Program.  Click on the graphic below to see how they used this program in their homes and how they felt about it.

Reading Intervention Programs {MaxScholar Reviews}
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