We started out our week with getting ready to do our Memorial Bible Reading. Each year during the week of Nisan 14, we read about the daily events that happened in Jesus life leading up to his death. Caty made mini pumpkin pies to eat while we did our Bible reading and we watched a story about Jesus life.
Her crust is a work in progress....but everyone really liked them.
I bought a new couch and the old one wasn't picked up yet. So we had an abundance of seating for a few days. My anxiety was a bit out of control from all the clutter. But did survive.
One day we spent time learning about Japanese Internment camps.
We finished up talking about D-Day, V-E Day, V-J Day and the Atomic Bomb. We watched videos on battles in the Pacific. In particular we watched a group of videos on Guadalcanal
We talked more about the Holocaust and watched:
Caty read this book we found at a library sale also.
Lydia worked on the tie blanket that Caty picked out for her for an anniversary present.
We studied Mongolia this week. We watched the Geography Now videos and also the movie Babies about different cultures and raising a baby. One baby is from Mongolia.
Our reading this week...
Our lunch was dumplings and butter cookie recipe I found on a nomads of Mongolia website.
The girls have been taking a Mysteries class on Outschool. It's weird legends and stories from around the world. This week they learned about the legend of the crystal skull and the Loch Ness monster.
Doesn't everyone do their math in 3D movie glasses?!?
Monday afternoon Brayden, Lydia and I helped clean up around the outside of the Kingdom Hall. Weeding and pruning.
Brayden made himself breakfast burritos one morning for breakfast, they go with his 4H project.
The kids had cycling on Tuesday. I did my running workout while the kids were doing their cycling. Lydia had volleyball at the exact same time as the others have track/cycling.
I'm probably going to be feeling it later. Hit my exercise goal all week.
Caty was working on her buttercream recipe. This one was better than last week. She is using some of her floral cake tips to create this cake design.
On Tuesday, the girls and I went ice skating with friends. I tried also. I have not skated in more than 25 years!! I did cling to the stability walker for most of the time. I was seriously afraid of falling and hurting my back and neck further.
Caty LOVED this. She's been asking to go skating for a few weeks.
By the end of the hour, Caty had let go and was skating around.
Thursday, the girls took an after-school mandala drawing class. Lydia did great with this and enjoyed the drawing.
Caty liked this class too.
The boys attended the local advocacy group meeting for people with special needs. Voices of HOPE helps individuals with specials needs learn to speak up for themselves. They meet monthly and learn about important topics that apply to their lives. This month was on first aid and CPR.
This week they worked hard to keep up with their Bible reading for the Memorial of Jesus' death. Then on Friday night we attended the Memorial of his death at our Kingdom Hall.
The next day was a busy one. We celebrated our family anniversary with my parents and brother's family. We look forward to this big celebration every year. It was wonderful! The kids were definitely spoiled.
After the party, the boys wanted to participate in a local games stores Super Mario 3 challenge. Brayden was up for the challenge....Even Caty got in on the fun.
None of them placed, but they had fun. After this whirlwind week, I was exhausted. April has pretty much brought me to my knees. I'm keeping my head above the water, but barely. Hoping May brings some relief.