Lydia has been a real challenge to learn her phonics and site words. We have tried so many programs with very little success. So when we first started
Reading Eggs, I did not have my hopes set too high. In fact, I was trying to explain how we were going to try this cool new program and she got an immediate attitude that she was not going to like it at all. But I convinced her to give it a shot.
Reading Eggs is made for children from Ages 3 and up. You start the
program out by learning basic site words and letter sounds. There is lots of repetitive matching, which is not a favorite activity of Lydia. I was blown away how quickly she took to this program and how well she progressed. You follow a map and watch Reggie movie along as you complete each level. After you have completed so many levels, you begin to open up new games and fun activities in the Playground.
At the end of each map, the child is tested or quizzed on what they have learned so that they may "unlock" the next level. The parent will receive an email when they are done showing the child's progress and what skills they have mastered and what still needs to be worked on.
This is an example of some of the questions that may be asked in a map. The sentence is read to the child and they choose which option is the right sentence.
Each lesson has several activities that continually build upon previous lessons and teach new words, skills, and sounds. This is a picture of Sam the Ant. He is reading a sentence and the child would drag the words into proper order. They are learning sentence structure!
Each level on
Reading Eggs has a free
printable worksheet that you have the option to use so that you may reinforce the skills with your children. I pick and choose which of these we actually use for Lydia. Caty has taken so well to the online portion of the program that we have added the worksheets to her day also to help reinforce what she is doing online.
They now have opened up 100 lessons on
Reading Eggs to help children who are learning to read.
There are
book packages that you may purchase to go along with each level. These include print copies of the books that the children are reading in each lesson. As well as posters, stickers, activity books, flashcards, and all the extras for this reading program. You can purchase each set separately for $65.00 for each set (there's 2), or as a megapack for $110.00.
Lydia has done so well with the program that we have already started Caty on the program. At 4, even with a speech delay, Caty is progressing well with this program. I am very happy with our decision to go ahead and start her before she's officially in "school". This program really does a wonderful job at exposing and teaching kids the essential skills for reading.
It is a great deal of fun for the kids. Both girls get very excited with the eggs that they earn and all the things that they can "purchase" in the little virtual world for their homes. Caty was super excited when she finally earned her home.
We have not purchased any of the book packages, as they are our of our budget. We have not found the need for the extra books yet. I have found enough substitutes at the library to help out in that area.
Now since we have loved Reading Eggs so much, we have also signed the boys up for Reading Eggspress. This new addition to Reading Eggs is a reading comprehension program for kids ages 6/7 and over, depending on their literary levels. Our oldest is over this age level, but the whole idea of reading comprehension reinforcement is what drew me to this program.
When your child signs in, they are welcomed into their world. It contains a game stadium, library, mall (for making purchases with their earned eggs), an apartment, and of course the Comprehension Gym.
When they enter the Comprehension Gym, they can either play a daily specialized activity (which you can see to the left in this picture) or they can enter their lesson right away. The lessons are laid out pretty close to the way that Reading Eggs is laid out. There are several levels to each lesson. The child can choose a book that they would like to read and do their test on. There is a wide selection of both fiction and non-fiction.
The child works their way through each level. These include questions about vocabulary in the story, as well as use of reference materials such as dictionary and thesaurus. Sometimes questions are asked about main idea, supporting details, and even parts of speech is covered. I absolutely love!!! love!!! love!!! the way that each lesson is laid out.
It is easy for each child to look back at material or the passages are provided to help them out when questions are asked. I really like that they make it as frustration-free as possible. And with Joey's unique frustration issues, it has made a huge difference in him wanting to complete his Reading Comprehension/English practice. At the end of each lesson, there are games and they can also shop at the mall.
All 4 of our kids like this program and we will be continuing this program after our trial is up. In fact, we have already paid for accounts for some of the kids already. I really consider this to be a valuable educational tool in our homeschool. It is really allowing the kids to learn without it being "mom" talking all the time. All the kids keep benefiting and I just keep recommending this program to all my friends that have younger kids.
The nice thing about this program though is it can be used by parents who aren't homeschooling. The lessons are short in both Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress, usually my kids drag them out longer than necessary. I am going to estimate them to be about 15-20 minutes long at max.
So how do you try this wonderful program....they offer a free trial. Visit
Reading Eggs, and simply sign up. No credit card is required for the trial offer. After the trial is up, if you decide that this program is right for your family also, there are a few options. You can choose
the monthly plan, $9.95 per month, per child. Or you can
purchase a year long subscription. You can watch, they have been some great offers lately. Currently a one-year subscription is $75.00 for the first child, and then 50% off for each child added on the same purchase. There is a 6-month subscription also available. It is $49.50 for the first child, and then 50% off for each child added on the same purchase.
Check out what other
Crew Mates thought of Reading Eggs.
*****I received a trail from Reading Eggs free of charge for the sole purpose of this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The views I have expressed are my own and are real experiences with my family. I am disclosing this is accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255>:"Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."