Emotionally I'm just not sure how to act. We now have a second child that has turned 18....how...how...how??? He was just born! (I know 18 years ago....smacking head on wall).
He was not thrilled that I wanted him to hold this outfit up. He was quite a grouchy teenager the day he turned 18! One of his baby outfits though....He said he would not wear baby ducks again?!?! Ugh...yes he's 18.
With his grandpa (my dad)....he's named after him.
Back in the fall
Monday was a super busy day. In the morning, the kids had a special bowling event that they attended. Pizza and bowling with friends!
Then we rushed home to have some more fun with friends. They attempted to make their own tapioca balls for bubble tea. This was so time consuming it was decided to just buy the pre-made ones...lol
Joey had a great time with one of his best friends who came over to watch Star Wars and build models.
That evening Lydia attended a Zoo Teen Volunteer meeting with her friend who wants to join. I hung out in the hall with her little brother where we played dinosaurs.
Caty made fried ham, potatoes, and gravy for lunch one day. This was actually to go along with one of her 4H projects. It was supposed to be for breakfast, but Caty doesn't wake up early enough to make breakfast.
Caty, Brayden, and Joey attended a Healthy Living Seminar at our local Special Needs organization, HOPE Services. The presenter from the Health Department did a great job!
Brayden was helping her look up statistics.
Playing Junk in my Trunk.
Classes are well underway at the Partnership. Building lots of projects in LEGO.
Creating websites.
Another great program that we have in our county is an Integrated eSports Game Club. The kids get to play in this awesome lab once a week with the high school eSports Team. They are loving this.
Our last cheer practice before State Competition....boy this season flew by!
On Thursday the girls and I visited the Orchid Show at our local zoo. This was a nice relaxing walk around the museum enjoying the beauty!
Lydia was excited to be a patron and not employee that day!
A treat after our walk...
The last swim practice of the season was also this week. Winter sports are winding down!
Caty is a little gardening fool. I'm attempting to grow my own lettuce. Sprouts up in less than a week!
I'll admit that I was completely overwhelmed at the start of the week. I did not have any lesson plans made out. We "winged it" this week. We still watched our videos and added a few cool documentaries. I had them working on their Living History figures reading. Caty is studying about Edgar Allen Poe and Lydia is studying Anne Frank. Caty is still working through her Japanese and Lydia in ASL. And they also just worked on 4H projects. Lydia has a stack she picked out this year. So I want to stay on top of her and make sure she doesn't miss anything.
We spent the weekend with more than 1,200 Special Olympic athletes at Ohio's first Indoor Winter State Games. It was an amazing experience. Caty earned a 2nd in 25m Womens Backstroke, and the relay team earned a 3rd place.
Our cheer team placed 1st in the non-mount category.
Lots of clanging metals as they walked away from their first Winter games.
Caty had so much fun representing Henry County as our mascot.
Linking up with other Homeschool Moms at Homeschool Coffee Break!!
Have a great weekend!!!