I got out at the first of the week!! I met up with some friends and we went to see The Hustle. We haven't done this is so long! We had a blast!
Lydia won a grant to help pay her show fees at Congress in the Fall.
Our last World Geography meal for the year was Taiwanese Beef and Noodle Soup. This was a real hit with everyone. So I will probably made this again sometime soon. It was super easy. We finished World Geography this week with our last two Asian countries of the Philippines and Taiwan.
Tennis is ongoing. The boys and Caty are prepping for our regional competition coming up in a couple week. So practicing a lot is the key.
Brayden is chugging away at his math. He struggles with pre-algebra. So when he finishes his level of Teaching Textbooks, he'll be concentrating on Life Skill math Since he will be graduating next year.
We walked down to our local library one day. It was a great casual stroll and Caty enjoyed spreading dandelion seeds along the way.
Caty's ants attacking the goldfish crackers she just fed them.
Brayden has a pilonidol cyst. So we had to go and see a surgeon. He lived on Youtube the whole time.
Cycling is the best. Brayden loves it.
Lydia's finished shirt from her Dr. Who history class.
Brayden had to go in and have the cyst drained. We have decided to hold off on the major surgery. The dr. seems to think he'll do fine with leaving it alone for a few months. He did very well with the process today.
It was the last day of live classes for me. One of my students gave me this little present. Isn't it awesome!!
Lydia had a volleyball game and practice this week.
Cheerleading practice for summer competitions are well underway.
Finally....finally....our driveway is getting repaired. This is a temporary fix. But will be super helpful.
It was time for our Annual Science Fair.
Science Fair projects.... Caty with "Do Ants Prefer Salty or Sweet?"
Lydia "Does Pollution Affect Sea Turtle Eggs?"
This was a super busy week. It was also time for the Annuals Sports Banquet for Henry County Special Olympics.
Lydia and I also planted flowers at the stable.
In her Series of Unfortunate Events Literature class, she needed to draw an eye...the way she sees it. She also had to give descriptive words to describe a character in the book of the week.
4H season is in full swing. Lydia is the Club President this year and she was up to give her demonstration. She chose to present her grooming bag for Horseless Horse project.
I worked with the Cloverbuds. We made "can" phones using string and plastic cups.
And wrote secret messages using baking soda and grape juice. This was very cool to see.
Then we rushed home and hosted a How To Train Your Dragon 3 viewing party with our friends.
Joey and Wyatt were flying dragons.
This is how we roll and we survived the week....yet again. I'm hoping for some downtime soon, but I know that it's not going to happen since summer brings new work schedules for all the kids.
Hope everyone had a great week!