Wednesday, January 29, 2020

4H Season begins, Candy Making/Decorating class,

Life changes constantly in our house.  Every time we feel like we have hit a norm, life throws us a curveball.  It can be emotional rollercoasters or just changes in class schedules.  But also work schedules and sports schedules too.  Big changes this week include the selection and starting their 4H projects for the year.

Joey finished his last year of 4H last year and graduated.  Over the summer he went through Project STIR (Steps Toward Independence & Responsibility) training and graduated from that.  As one of the graduates in our county, he's had the privilege of traveling around to various locations and speak about Project STIR and share what he has learned.

We celebrated National Pie Day....with store bought pie.  I was so busy that day that I did not have time.  So I stopped and bought pies when I bought snacks for garden club.

The girls have been taking an organic gardening class with a local homeschool mom.  They are really enjoying this class.  One day after class they got a Starbucks treat and Lydia had to send pictures out on

Our seed growing experiment from class.

We spent the week learning about Maine.

For our Geography meal I made a seafood pie and whoppie pies.  The seafood pie was not a hit.  But the whoopie pie were.

Basketball season was over this week.....I'm sad to see this season over.  It was a lot of fun!  I will miss this guys.

Brayden had a Cook Night this week.  He loves this monthly event.   

Lydia graduated from PT this week.  He says if she starts having problems again, to come back.  They think it's just a teenage growing issue.  They have several sports minded teenage girls on their caseload right now with similar problem.

But this week she also needed to have an exercised induced asthma test.  She DID NOT like this at all.  But it's done now, and we have to go tot he pulmonologist to get more answers.  In the meantime, she has an inhaler that she uses daily.

The girls took a candy-making class with their friend.  This was super fun.  They made so many different candy variations.

These are deviled egg candies.....yep they were so realistic looking!!  It's all chocolate, sprinkles, and rice krispie treats.

Regional bball competition.  They won their first game, and lost their second.  This knocked them out of the a place at state.  This group of guys is so hardworking and has improved this season.

Their game was on the same day as the Titans Playoff game.  I am grateful that we have Hulu Live TV.  I was able to watch the game while we were out and about.  Unfortunately they lost....but I was at least able to cheer them on.

One of Caty's projects is called Star Spangled Foods.  This project has her making homemade food from throughout history, that we eat still today.  This week she made burgers and salads with homemade ranch dressing.  Her experiment this week was to test when to put dressing on lettuce leaves.

Brayden is working on Quick Breads for 4H.  He made whole wheat waffles for his project that day.  These were a hit with all 4 kids.

Lydia is working on Astronomy for one of her 4H projects.  This week the initial project was to make a model solar system.  She did this all on her own, including hanging it from the ceiling.

Joe and I got the privilege of volunteering on a trip with the HARC group this week.  We went to see the Walleyes with a great group of people.

We recovered on Saturday and then had a basketball game that we went too.  This was a fun group from our Kingdom Hall that included bball and card games.

The next morning we rode the bus to a cheerleading competition that our Henry County Cougars were invited to perform at.  It was a long and cold bus ride!

And another week down in the books for the Kuehners.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Swimming Regionals, Mascot Job, Sports...Sports...Sports.....

We started our week out with sports.  The girls had swim tournament.  Joe took the boys to their bowling competition.

Lydia earned 2 gold medals in 25m and 50m breatstroke.

Caty earned a 4th and 5th, and also a gold with her relay team.

The same day as the swim meet, the boys had a bowling tournament in BG.  Joe took them.  Brayden loves bowling!

We are spending the month of January reading and studying the American Revolution.  This is a selection of some they are reading.

The boys basketball team.

Practice has been exhausting.

For Louisiana i made homemade shrimp gumbo.  Only Joe enjoyed this treat.  It was a bit of work.

Brayden made a brief presentation to the United Way board about how much he enjoys HARC events.

The van needed a recall repaired.  This was my ride for the day.  I had a ton of appointments and the van was a 9 hour job.  Unfortunately this truck did get a flat tire.  So we had to deal with that.  Go figure.  The van is fixed and fine though.

Doing a jumping exercise at PT.

Showing off her new shirt from the chirpractor.  This day we went from PT directly to the chiro for her next appointment.  I had all the appointments stair-stepped so it was a nervous game if everyone was running on time.

Caty took on being the mascot for our cheer squad at state games.

Cheerleading practice.

The girls started an organic gardening class.  The first week they learned the parts of the seed, and then started a germination experiment.  Caty's goal is to start a garden this year and raise lots of vegetables.  We will see how this  She is doing a gardening project for 4H this year.

Basketball season is winding down.  I've been helping a bit with our team mascot.  Everyone loves him.  My aunt came to watch the girls play this week.  We had double games that night.  Both the girls and the boys played.

Cheering with the Cougar at half-time.

On Friday, Joey helped make a group presentation about standing up for yourself.  The location happened to be the DayHab where he attends.  This is his model table where he is allowed to build on his models throughout the day.

Making the Project STIR presentations.

While there, Joey had forgotten to bring home more of his Great Job tickets!  Proud of the adjustments he has made.

Hope everyone had a great week!!