Friday, July 1, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal Week 5

In my life this week…

I have been trying to work on our activities schedule for the fall.  It has been a busy week. Lydia is at horse riding camp all week.  And I actually took one day to just sit all afternoon and read!  It was nice.  We want to pick blueberries today, but have to wait and see.  It's been stressful because Brayden will not leave the house, even to go into the backyard.  His allergies have been acting up this week, so we had to break down and install a little window air conditioner in his room to keep him breathing a bit more comfortable. 

I have also been challenging my workouts.  I started to jog slowly.  I am going for endurance, not speed.  I figure endurance is more of what I need physically and mentally.  Not bad so far, even with the broken toe.

In our homeschool this week…

We are working on our first play.  The kids wanted to do Theater camp, but it just wasn't in the budget.  Not for both kids.  So I came up with the idea to do our own play.  We will be presenting The Three Little Pigs to Grandma and Grandpa next week.  All the kids have a part. 

The boys have been working on coin review and adding with a Math Mammoth supplement book.  And Grammar review.  We finished up our study unit on Butterflies and half way through the life of Jesus.  Next week for science we will be studying the Bearded we can all learn how to take better care of Lollipop.

The kids also started a daily journal. Some days they will have a given prompt to write or draw about.  Other days it will be free choice.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Lydia has been at horse camp all week.  She loves to ride horses.  The boys have not had any outside activities.  They play around the house with their cousins and swam in the pool or hot tub (I keep the temp rather low in it for the kids.)  Lydia and I went to the library to collect their reading prizes and change out books.

My favorite thing this week was…

Actually it has been reading more.  This is something I haven't done in a while.  I was very excited to have the privilege to review some kids books over the next couple weeks.  We are going to take them all Five in a Row style and have activities to go with them.

Things I’m working on…

Keeping our garden going.  I have been working on seeing what is working and where.  I also need to clean more in the garage to get ready for the big project.  I also need to finish painting the low spots of the house.  I also am working on getting healthier.  If stress made me this sick, then I must work at reducing what I can.  We have also been trying to eat healthier.

I’m reading…

Time Bandit: Two Brothers, the Bering Sea, and One of the World's Deadliest JobsThe Art of Racing in the Rain: A NovelA Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book One

I’m cooking…

Working on cooking healthier.  I made gazpacho for my hubby on Tuesday and he enjoyed it.  Said that he would eat it again.  Trying to make healthier choices

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Our Painted Butterfly.  We lost one, it seems to deformity.  We lost another due to 3 year old excitement.  That leaves us with this one guy.

Have a great week.  Link up with other Moms at Homeschool Chick.


  1. Looks like a great week! Thanks for following my blog. I'm following you now :)

  2. I stepped up the challenge in my workouts this week, too.

  3. Sounds like a busy but productive week! Way to go on finding time to read! If I find time to read, I find myself falling asleep after 5 minutes! :) Thank you for linking up to NOBH!

  4. I love the idea of your kids working on a play themselves. My older boys have taken Shakespeare classes, but it would also be fun to watch them do something on their own at home.

    Thanks for following my blog. Yours is great :)

  5. thanks for visiting my blog :)

    how nice to be able to spend an afternoon reading I LOVE books :)

    wow jogging with a broken toe
    you go!!!
    hope it doesnt effect it though
    I took up power walking at the beginning of the year LOVE it :)

    Im sure the grandparents will love the play

    I LOVE butterflies :)

  6. Hi there. stopping by from NOBH and HMJ! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it that you decided to put on your own play! LOVE IT! everyone is included that way and saves so much on the pocketbook! I think people forget that things do not need be fancy or expensive for a child to love them or for a wonderful memory to be made. Look forward to stopping by again! katie
