In my life this week....
Well life has been a bit of a blur. I am having a hard time concentrating and brain fog is an all day occurrence. It's getting very....VERY frustrating. My energy level is at 0, and the kid's energy levels are above 1,000. So I feel like I am daily just barely scraping by.
Have a week long toothache that I am learning to live with. Need to come up with the extra money for a root canal. Go figure....one more doctor bill to try and pay.
Yeah, it's just been one of those weeks.
In our homeschool this week....
We finished all of our schoolwork. But I have decided to make a couple changes next week. We are going to try a combined subject again. I am working on new science plans for next week. Combining one subject will help me out quite a bit.
The boys are chugging along at Ohio History. They made glacial groove models after seeing the pictures of the grooves on Kellys Island in Lake Erie. We talked about the natural resources of Ohio. On Thursday we listened to a Historical Storyteller tell us stories about the Great Black Swamp of Northwest Ohio.
Lydia is almost done with her Castles class. She finished her castle this week.
For a writing assignment, Joey and Lydia made their own monsters and wrote stories about them. Lydia really got into this assignment. So I am trying to get more assignments like this for her. She begged to work on this everyday.
I'll do a post with their stories next week.
Brayden has been working on finding common factors of numbers. I found these number boards a few months ago, and it has been a great addition (no pun intended) for Brayden and math. He was using them to find the factors of the numbers and then we found the common factors. He seemed to master this concept this week, so we can move on!!
Caty started learning about space this week. We watched a Magic School Bus on Space and started hanging our planets on the wall. She loves drawing planets. It's soooo cute. She is super excited about learning about stars and planets all of a sudden. We may have to make another trip to the Neil Armstrong Museum for her.
Joey, Lydia and I picked some seeds to preserve for next spring. This helps to fulfill one of our DIY Club Botany requirements. I have been saving the seeds from marigolds for many years. Grows the best marigolds. They get HUGE!!!
It was a busy week, but we did finish all our work. And with some changes in our schedule, look forward to starting next week.
Things I am working on......
Trying to stay sane. With the massive brain fog and issues I have been having, my exercise routine has gone down the tubes. So my goal this week is to get back into a 3 day a week routine that will hopefully not over do my body, but still keep me going.
I also need to start working on our basement and getting it back under control. And another dreaded task is going through our budget. I do it every couple months, and yet still don't see where all our money goes...except to the pharmacy and doctors. Oh and insurance....ugh.
I am also working on lesson plans for a couple weeks out. We may be getting to go to Tennessee in a few weeks for just a couple days. We are all looking forward to going back again. We LOVE that area!!!
The kiddos favorite thing this week....
Grandpa and Grandma treated the kids to extra nights at the hotel this weekend for our Circuit Assembly. They loved getting to swim for several hours over those couple days.
What I am cooking....
I posted a oat-free/gluten-free no bake cookie recipe that I messed around with for a couple weeks. And it is yummy. The kids gave it all thumbs up. I also messed around and created a no-bake peanut butter bar that I will be posting next week. We had standard stuff last week. This next week we are having baked chicken, hm chicken and dumplings (made from bone broth from the baked chicken), my gluten free chicken and stuffing skillet, spaghetti. Nothing real fancy...but still a yummy week.
What am I reading.....
I have a review book I am reading and also reading the American Girl Kailey book with Lydia and Caty. Next we'll reading American Girl Nicki. And we will be starting American Girl Rebecca soon also.
Hope everyone had a wonderful week!!! Hoping you all have a great week next week too!
Linking up with other homeschool moms at So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler.

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