We have some ups and downs this week coming up. I foresee issues because of our weekend getaway. But I don't think it'll be too bad. I made some slight adjustments in the workloads because of some frustrations last week.
Joey is going to continue working on his math basics with multiplication and division. He is continuing his weather spotter unit study for his 4H project. He is doing a wonderful job learning about finding his own answers during his Bible study. I am very proud of him for that. So he will continue working on that. He is working on another 4H food and exercise project this week, basically summing up the food pyramid and learning more about exercising. He is also doing his 4H family tree project. He is reading Hunger Games for literature. And he is working on writing his own Class for Homeschool with Minecraft and also working on his Minecraft MOD Class from Youth Digital.
Brayden is working on his math in Saxon. This week we are working on story problems and how to catch the clues on how to solve it. He will work on a Family Tree Project also. In Science he is learning about the water cycle and the water on our planet. He is finishing his Boxcar Children book and going to start the Origami Yoda series for literature. Part of Brayden's 4H project is this week with the weather, the water cycle. I'll help him design his model for that.
Lydia is working on parts of speech in her vocabulary book. She is reviewing concepts with CTCmath before we move into the big world of 3rd grade math. She is continuing to read her Boxcar Children Series that she is enjoying right now. In Science we are working on the layers of the earth this week and what geologists do. She kind of has the week off from History this week, but we'll be watching Liberty Kids this week to keep up with our upcoming Revolutionary War class.
Caty has a partial week. She is getting some molars in a little late and she is grouchy!!! It's like a sensory nightmare going on. She'll be working on review with CTCmath. In Science she'll sit in on Lydia's Layers of the earth class so that we can cover it a bit too. I'm sure I'll dig out her favorite Magic School Bus also. For reading, we'll continue with the Foundations program from Logic of English that we are reviewing. We're going to start more repetition with sight words using the Reading Game too.
Hope everyone has a great week!! See you at the wrap up on Saturday :)

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