Sunday, June 12, 2011

Goal Planning Monday -- Week #5

Week #4 Goals:

1.  Clean out garage of unneccessary items.  Get trampoline into the yard.  Measure and see what supplies are needed.
2.  Keep on schedule for taking over our paper/cardboard/plastic recycling.
3.  Move some items off the front porch to the soon to be new storage area.  Clean up and porch for exercise use.  The Gazelle is out there now also.  Hopefully get our treadmill in a couple weeks.
4.  Work on planting flowers around all the trees in the front yard.  Plant pine tree also.
5. Clean the following areas....Monday (porch & front bedroom), Tuesday (kitchen/work area), Thursday (kids rooms), Friday (schoolroom)  This is A HUGE Maybe.....
6.  Get kids grade cards ready.

Planning for the kids schooling has taken a bit longer than I initially planned.  I am trying to track grades a bit better this year, instead of just work examples. So got a bit behind in things.  Trying to find a new organization system though...something to keep myself better organized.  Maybe have a few less piles laying around!!

My sister-in-law was a Sweetheart and ended up planting the flowers around the trees in the front yard.  Where I planned on putting the pine tree isn't going to work now, so working on a plan for the tree.  On the bright side, we are getting school work done.

Goal Planning Week #5
1.  Finish reading 2 books this week (Grown-up books) for the summer reading program at the library.
2.  Move the trampoline from the garage to the backyard.
3.  Finally hold our backyard campout.
4.  List all curriculum that we are ready to sell.
5.  Clean up at the base of the stairs in the garage area and find new homes/organization for the items.
6.  Take cardboard/paper recycling to center.
7.  Take aluminum recycling over to center.
8.  Go through file cabinet of saved curriculum.

If you are interested in seeing what others are trying to accomplish, visit Mama Manuscripts.


  1. Hi! And I can't figure out how to comment through e-mail! LOL Anyway, my son started off using Dance Mat Typing. (I believe the link is at the bottom of my blog to the right with our favorite on-line resources.) He moved onto Spongebob Squarepants Typing and now uses Jumpstart: Typing. Both of these have GREAT games to encourage quick, accurate typing in a fun way. Hope this helps!

