Saturday, November 5, 2011

Felicity Squares - Colonial America Education Quilt

This week, we finished three squares.  I am feeling a bit of pressure to finish some projects that have piled up about Felicity this month.  Our final meeting is a mere month away and I have found some fun and messy things to do.

This week Lydia worked on her Sampler.  We are almost done.  She is having trouble keeping her attention on the sewing for more than a few minutes.  Which is challenging then for both of us.

We talked about the type of clothes that they wore. Lydia thought it was funny that boys wore the same dress style clothes as girls until they were 7 years old.

These were samples of chores or work that females did daily.

And these were for the men/boys.

Next week, we are going to talk briefly about slavery.  Also about what Williamsburg, VA was like.  Our project will most likely be making candles.  I found all-natural palm wax to make candles using mini-wicks....for short attention!  If we have time, we may even make our own straw hats similar to what Felicity wore to keep her nose from getting red.

1 comment:

  1. We are reading Felicity as well and just visited Williamsburg, VA a couple weeks ago. Thanks for linking up to the NOBH!
