In my life this week....
I really dislike the second week of the month. There is always so much going on. Way too much. And I tried really hard to stay on top of things, and not fall behind in our work. I also am trying to clean up/organize the house more. Been another challenge. We live in a clutter mess. So I am attempting the 31 Days of Clean Challenge. I am trying, but I still haven't finished Day 5 yet. It's been over a week now.
I have been trying to get over a hump in my mind too. I am having a hard time "seeing the positive" in all of our children's individual special needs. It's just been very hard to get around obstacles that keep presenting themselves.
In my training, not bad this week. That is until today. Today was a workout was just too cold and windy. I could've used the treadmill in the garage, but our garage is not finished. So it would have been very cold. I will try to get my last scheduled workout done tomorrow morning. It's not supposed to be as windy. I think I can deal with the cold, it's the wind. Yuck!!! I can do around 1 3/4 miles in a fast walk/light jog in about 26 minutes. I need to be up to 3 miles by April to compete in the 5K that I signed up for. A little over half-way there!!!
In our homeschool this week....
We actually got most things done this week. We even caught up a little in some subjects we were a week or so behind on. Tomorrow is Saturday, but we are going to do our Art and Math Review. Shouldn't take more than an hour.
We did get to World Travelers Club and Zoo Class this week. Today we saw Sid the Science kid at our local Science museum. It was fun and busy!
Places we are going and people we are seeing....
Brayden had a med check Monday morning and he actually went to the grocery store with me. That's unheard of. Of course I had to let him pick some food he wanted. I am scared though because he is so addicted to all processed foods, and he has been eating and still has been losing weight. If he were extremely active, I wouldn't be concerned. But Brayden is not an active child. He refuses to go to Basketball this year, and sits all the time. The most exercise he gets is sometimes playing an active game on the I am very concerned and allowing him higher fat foods while we are seeking answers.
Lydia had zoo class this week, and we kept Caty home from preschool because it was a nice day and the baby tigers were on display. The girls walked around with a couple of their homeschool friends. They had so much fun!!!
We also had World Travelers Geography Club. Lydia saw more of her friends. Joey didn't get to go because he was not feeling well. We shared his project with the group though. Lydia loved running around after the meeting and playing with all her friends.
Next week is Girl Scouts and Joey has a med check appointment. He also has a basketball tournament to go to next Saturday, and Agility therapy.
Things that have worked this week....
I actually made a bare outline of what we need to finish weekly for the remainder of this school year. But then I am trying to type up a weekly schedule that is broke down into daily tasks. Each day I list exact pages and lessons we need to complete that day, what activities each child or the family needs to do and our menu for that day. It actually doesn't take but just a few minutes to combine all the info and then I print it out and keep it in my file that I carry with me everywhere. I am sure there is a way to put all that on my smart phone, just don't know how yet. All I know is the last couple of weeks it seems to have helped me with school and especially this past week it helped me.
Questions/thoughts I have....
To anyone with special needs kids, how do you get out of a funk. I mean I love my kids, but the daily repetitive issues has just been grinding at me lately. I know Joe is having a hard time too. Any advice would be appreciated. I am quite tired of raising my voice...all the time! Long story, made short, Brayden is completely off of meds for a couple months. We are trying to wean him off all meds and start tackling issues that have evolved as he has gotten older. So daily challenge of lots of OCDs, ADD and autism issues.
Things I am working on....
- Decluttering the house and the 31 Days of Clean Challenge
- Joey's party favor business
- Listing my products on eBay (way behind...finding more and more to list)
- Spending more time with the kids.
- Planning a Bowl-a-thon for Special Olympics
- Planning some field trips
- Planning a Non-Edible Book Fest
My favorite thing this week....
Even though I was exhausted, taking the girls to the zoo to see the new baby tigers. They were soooo cute. My all-time favorite animal!!!!
I'm cooking....
Alot of Korean recipes this week for World Travelers Club study of Korea. Next week will be an Alabama meal for US Geography and we are going to try and have an Ethiopian meal each week until the next World Travelers Club. I found all kinds of yummy Ethiopian recipes. We love all kinds of ethnic hoping to meet my goal!
I'm reading....
Slip by Tanya Savko
The Money Saving Mom's Budget by Crystal Paine
**The links I have posted above are not paid links. I do not get a percentage if you click on them.
I'm praying for....
I usually don't post this one, but I have been praying alot for patience and sanity. I have been really struggling with a mini-depression of sorts. I don't know if it's the weather or what, but everything seems to be getting at me lately. Stupid stuff has been making me angry. I have just been asking for constant help with every move I make because I do not want to raise my voice anymore. Like most people, it has really been like that Groundhog Day movie. Daily it's a struggle, and some of the boys issues are worst in the morning and others it's the evening. Just praying alot about how to handle things.
A photo to share....
Like Son......
I just wanted to drop you a note of encouragment. I myself do not have special needs children but am so encouraged and inspired by those who do. Remember that the Lord will not give you more than you can bare and He is with you always. I was (and I guess still am) a OCD child and have battled the hardships that come with it. I have learned to rely on God to overcome it and have been med free for six years. I hope your week goes better and that the doctors have insight.