Friday, January 30, 2015

Week 35 - Tea, a tea party and Winter Storm Juno

We had a long drive from Dallas, Texas to Hartford, Connecticut.  But we survived it.  Lots of stops to rest the legs.

Here is Caty's state map with the magnets we collected in Texas.

Brayden was so excited to be able to eat from the container before we left.
One stop in Memphis at a rest area.

On Sunday, we traveled into Boston to do a small amount of exploring.  This was a first time for the kids and I.

Joe remembered that this is where the Wahlburgers restaurant was.  I am a reality TV Junkie. I love watching the Wahlburgers.  So we went there for Lunch.

 They all gave the food thumbs up!
 Then we visited the Boston Tea Party Ships.  And I tried to have my own tea party.

On our way back from Boston to Hartford we stopped to get food for the hotel room.  A Blizzard warning was issued with a snow warning for up to 30 inches of blowing and drifting snow.  This is what the stores were looking like.

But the storm didn't hit us as bad as they thought.  There was a lot of snow in the eastern side of the state.  We didn't get to 30 inches in Hartford/middle part.  We measured about 12-14 inches.  The governor still had the roads closed until Tuesday evening.  Joe ended up working from the hotel for two days.  

We didn't do much in Connecticut because of this.  But that is ok.  We did visit a fun museum yesterday though.  Who thought going to a Trash Museum would be fun?!?

Caty learned about heat this week, and we worked on how to read a simple thermometer.  She listened to the Thermometer song on You Tube.

Lydia learned about Mollusks this week.  She also watched some videos on youtube.  She started her study of the United Kingdom for her scout project.  This week we learned where it is located.  What countries make up the United Kingdom and looked at the flags of each country separately and then together.  We also learned about a famous author, Beatrix Potter.  We watched her life story in the movie, Miss Potter.  I do recommend it, wonderful movie.

Brayden is working on mixed fractions in math.  The kids is driving me nuts because he does all the steps in his head, which is good, but when he makes a mistake it is harder to show him how to fix it.  He is chugging along in his President's study.

Joey is still working his way through the time period between World War 1 and World War 2 in his history reading.  In science both boys started a fossil/dinosaur unit.

Next week brings a few changes to our schooling.  The girls are going to combine together in the subjects of science and history.  With working full-time, I am struggling doing individual projects with each of them.  I'll blog all about them as I get them figured out this weekend.  But I think I have all the books in place for this.  I am excited, let's just hope it works for them.

We also had our tea time this week together again.  We are trying to do this weekly, along with other friends in our homeschool group.  This week we had mail from our friends to open up.  Each week, we mail out poems to our friends and they mail them to us.  My sister in law is forwarding our mail on as we are traveling around.  The kids were excited.

Only one of our kids likes tea, so they had hot cocoa and hot cider this week. Cupcakes from Whole

 Brayden even read a poem outloud this week!

 Joey was looking at some post cards from our postcard exchange.
 Lydia reading one morning.   We love this series of books.  She picked this out last week at the Cowgirl Museum in Texas.
 The boys working on their science.
 Lydia and I playing a grammar game.
 Caty and I working in her Usborne Art Coloring book.
 Lydia's new favorite grammar
 Too much technology maybe?!?!  Joey, Lydia and I were on classes with Homeschool with Minecraft.  But we had another laptop set up to watch Miss Potter on our Amazon Prime.  Yeah, we are rather tied to the Internet.
Hope everyone had a great week.  We are traveling to Wisconsin this weekend.  See you next Friday.  Linking up with other homeschool moms at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

Weekly Wrap-Up