Do you have a student who has dyslexia or who is struggling with reading or spelling? Dyslexia Gold generously provided us with the opportunity to review a family license and lifetime membership to the Dyslexia Gold Full Bundle.
Lydia struggles with comprehension skills due to her learning disability. Caty has the same delay. They both can read words, but do not always understand fully what they are reading. Lydia has caught up almost to her level, but struggles and Caty struggles with spelling still because of this. So we were excited to get the opportunity to see how Dyslexia Gold could help them out.
Dyslexia Gold Full Bundle is an online reading tutor program that specializes in helping students to develop the essential tracking skills they need for reading and writing. Dyslexia Gold goes beyond just regular phonics and using various fun programs and games to help students to improve their reading and comprehension abilities in just a few months.
Students are encouraged to work on Dyslexia Gold Full Bundle daily using three different programs to improve their skills. The three different programs include:
Engaging Eyes is a vision training program. Students are encouraged to wear a pair of specialized glasses, that arrive separately with your subscription. Many students (including our girls) have tracking issues with their eyes. They cannot follow along well, so they are not getting the most from the material they are reading. With Target Practice, students are forced to track what is happening on their screen. Their eyes are trained to track letters across the screen.
Caty and Lydia both enjoyed working in the Target Practice areas. I have noticed that Caty is making improvement in her reading skills. Lydia is still working in this area. I haven't seen the same improvement with her. It shows that every student is different and some take longer to gain strength in some areas than in others. Lydia is still relying on audiobooks to read her lessons to her. But the Whack An Alien game is very fun and the girls both love wearing the Target Practice glasses.
Fluency Builder teaches students to find and recognize the sounds that they hear. It recognizes the long and short vowel sounds and consonant sounds. Students are even learning basic spelling words as they build the words they hear.
Spelling Tutor helps to teach students in a repetitive spelling program that teaches more than 1,000 commonly used words. You can personalize and add words to the program as you go. Parents/teachers are encouraged to work through this program alongside their students to check their work and keep track of their progress.
The Spelling Tutor encourages parents to work with their students using this program. Students also need a notebook or paper to work on. During each lesson, words are read to the student and they are encouraged to write it by sound first. Next on the screen, students are given the sentence that they can check their work against.
Caty really worked in this area. But she got frustrated when she could barely understand the sounds that were being read to her. Some of the words were hard to understand.
Students are encouraged to use Dyslexia Gold daily for a minimum of 10 minutes with each program. Dyslexia Gold advertises improvement in skills and confidence for students in just a month. I can see improvement with Caty, and Lydia is making slower improvement.
I do like that the Dyslexia Gold Full Bundle can be used with students of all ages. Yes there are games, but even a teenager that is struggling will be able to use this program without feeling that it is too "kiddie" for them. Dyslexia Gold can be used alongside a full reading curriculum, it is not a stand alone reading program. It was designed to help students improve and master skills they are learning. So even if your student attends a typical school (and you do not homeschool), Dyslexia Gold Full Bundle would fit great to help them with the struggles they are facing at school.
Several members of the Homeschool Review Crew were given the opportunity to review the Dyslexia Gold Full Bundle. Click on the link below to see how they used this program in their homes and how they felt about it.
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