We are only going to do "school" 3 days this week. Joey has Cheerleading Competition Friday in Lexington KY. And I need at least one day to prepare and pack. Caty will have 2 dance classes this week, Lydia has gymnastics, and Joey will have one last practice before they go on.
Math- Math Mammoth - Place value, adding thousands
Grammar- Rod and Staff - Noun names, Names of people & places, Proper Nouns
Science- ABeka...Nervous system, eyes
Social Studies - Martin Luther King Jr. Video and book--Difference between urban, rural and suburban
4H Project - Using Computer basics
Handwriting - Letter E & L (Cursive Handwriting without Tears)
Bible study - Creation of the world
Scholastic Newspaper
Math - Adding thousands, adding whole hundreds
Grammar - Rod and Staff - Noun names, Names of People & Places, Proper Nouns
Science - Penguins
Spelling - Review words
Social studies - Martin Luther King Jr. Video and book --- U.S. Symbols
Scholastic Newspaper
Math - A+ Interactive Math (2nd grade level) - counting past 100, skip counting review. (Watch for the upcoming review)
Science - Carnivorous Mammals
Reading - Headsprout, McGuffey Reader
AG Club - Caroline Book 3
Site Words - Writing words zero to five
Geography Words - Badland, Bay
Phonics - A Beka Letters and Sounds
Handwriting without Tears App
Comprehension - Playing Red Light/Green Light, Practice our phone number, Following directions on how to build a snowman
Math - Practice counting to 20, Practice writing numbers to 10 in her dry-erase book
Reading - Letters A & B review w/ coloring cards
Art - Tissue Paper Matisse
Geography - Be an explorer at home
Everyone have a great week!!!

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