Monday, October 14, 2013

Menu Monday

Another week...and yes they still want to be fed.  I am starting to love Costco alot!!  I am able to buy larger quantities of healthier foods for our family.  Since we eat almost every meal at home, we rarely eat out, we don't want to run out of healthy choices.

B- open (Grandpa bought them pizza Saturday night, so they ate leftovers)
L- sandwiches
D- Cincinnati chili w/ paleo cornbread

B-  Watermelon
L- Shredded chicken w/ hashbrowns
D- South Korean meal prepared by Caty and I.....think it's Sweet and Sour Korean chicken w/ sweet rice cakes.

B- Paleo pumpkin bars
L- Fried rice
D- Beef stew

B- Peach smoothies
L- Butternut squash curry
D- Bolivian Silapancho

B- Cereal and toast
L- leftovers (girls and I will pack)
D- Spanish rice

B- Strawberry smoothies
L- Packed lunches
D - chicken and stuffing skillet w/ hm cranberry sauce

B- Milk gravy and biscuits
L- Peanut butter and honey roll ups
D- Lasagna soup

We pretty much kept to our menu last week.  It was a challenge some days.  I used the crockpot a lot and cooked meals early in the morning (like from 5 am to 6 am before the kids were up), so that we had dinner in the fridge for that evening.  I guess sacrifices have to be made to stay on top of healthy eating.
I found some yummy organic animal crackers for the kiddos to eat (Brayden said they are good).  Also we have grapes, raisins and peanuts.  I also bought some non-GMO chips for the kids to snack on.  They have granola bars and some puffy cheese snacks they like.  So we are pretty set, and with the exception of a couple items...I don't need to visit another store for a while.  I am working hard at staying on top of this.  Forecast is for a bad...bad winter here, so don't want to be caught without anything.

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