In my life this week.....
It's been a busy week. The weather cut a couple of the activities this week, but we still had a full plate. I am struggling a bit this week with exhaustion. I think that it's part of my fibro and my body doesn't handle stress well. It's been a stressful couple weeks.
This weather that we are getting though is just way too cold. So I think that is also causing issues. I so want to get out and go jogging in the sun. But nope, it's frigid (and at dangerous levels) and cloudy most of the time.
In our homeschool this week.....
Even with all the craziness, all the kids were able to get their work finished. I think Brayden has one sheet he needs to correct tomorrow.
Lydia is working harder at her reading. Caty is reluctantly learning how to read. We'll see how it goes. We are using 100 Easy Lessons with her.
Joey is working really hard at his assignments. I am very proud that he is finally working independently on most subjects!! Most days I don't even have to remind him to get busy on his work. he goes and gets his assignment sheet and gets started. He knows he can take breaks, as long as his work is completed.
Places going.....
Joey and Lydia cheered on Tuesday and Lydia had her first basketball game. She tried the whole game and finally scored a basket in the last quarter of the game. We have a great coach and he really works at making sure that all the kids feel like they are #1 during the whole game.
We had doctors appointments, dental cleanings, med we saw a lot of doctors this week.
Projects I am working on......
I am working really hard at trying to find a balance. I am really working at having the kids stay on top of their chores. I need to figure a good way to display their daily chores. I am working on a a new planner/organizer from Motivated Moms (watch for the upcoming review).
I have two bigger sewing projects to work on and of course the Homeschool with Minecraft lessons for next semester. We are taking all the glitches that we are finding and tweeking them to avoid future bugs :)
I am also writing unit studies for the Titanic and a country study of Greece. I may cheat and buy one on Greece for Lydia and Joey to work on.
Things I am cooking.....
Whatever we seem to want. They did eat out a couple times this week, subs from Subway. I have been using our new blender to make smoothies almost daily. Also made paleo caramel dip a couple times for apple slices and plantain chips for snacks. We have delicious roast the other day. I coated it in freshly ground horseradish. Yummy!!! We ate on that several meals. I changed the plan up a bit, because of time restrictions.
Books I am reading.....
I am trying to read. I downloaded Divergent onto my Kindle and I bought Unsinkable - The Molly Brown Story this afternoon. Lydia and I are going to do a study of the Titanic and she is going to do a report on Molly Brown for a State Fair project. So I need to get more knowledge. I think Lydia will make a great Molly Brown :)
My favorite thing this week.....
Sitting and watching the classic Unsinkable Molly Brown with the Girls today. We put on our PJs and curled up in the living room. I did work some on the laptop, and Lydia learned how to latch hook and was working on a special project while we were watching. It was nice.
It was also great on Tuesday when we were all able to go to the basketball game to watch Lydia play. We never usually go together. Joey cheered during her game and then she cheered the 2nd game, so daddy got to watch both the kids. I had to bribe Brayden to leave the house...Subway again. At least they have $5.00 footlongs right now.
Photos to share.....
Lydia at her game, getting ready to shoot.
Caty and I finished up our study of the Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies. Next week, we start Berenstain Bears Lend a Helping Hand. The Enchanted Homeschooling Mom has great plans to turn the B. Bears into a Five in a Row study.
This week in Science, Caty and I learned about the tools that Scientists use. She worked with a balance this week.
Caty and I started this book to help her with reading. We'll wait and see :)
Lydia started her first full latch hook project. She is so proud of every stitch.We had a fairly good week. It's our Krazy
Linking up with other Homeschool families at So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler.
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