Monday, May 16, 2011

Goal Planning -- Week #3

Well let's see how we did?!?!?

Week #2 Goals

1. Paint and caulk windows among the driveway.  Not the driveway windows, but the south side of the house is done
2.  Plant sweet corn and carrots/lettuce plants.--Finally decided today where to plant everything.
Did not get out corn planted:(, but got my mom's radishes, summer squash and some sort of green stuff planted.  Guess ours will have to wait a few more days.
3.  Help price items at the garage sale 3 days this week.--our family is having a big sale in 2 weeks and trying to get it set up....lots and lots to price    Not done with everything...but trying
4.  Clean out cabinet underneath and beside the kitchen sink.--Find a rainy afternoon to do this.  Only got one of the 3 cabinets done.
5.  Finish washing and putting summer clothes on the shelves.6.  Start Story of the World lesson plans for the summer.--Two long waits at the dentist office await me this will work on this then.  Done through the end of July right now.
7.  Clean out the back shelves of the garage before garbage day this week. 
8.  Take aluminum recylcing over to the Recycling center.9.  Sit down with each boy and finally post on their blogs.  Life has been so stressful that I haven't taken the time to do this...Bad Mommy!  But with the verge of our 2011-2012 school year...good time to start.

So I didn't get the boys blogs taken care of.  I have most of the lesson plans done through the middle of August (in pencil though...discovered never to use ink).  Still have 2 more cabinets to finish cleaning out of junk.  I also cleaned out the front porch/storage room so we could get the new mini-blinds up.  We can get safely to our eliptical machine now!!!  We can watch rain storms in almost quiet...and if Joey needs a quiet place to hide out for a bit, he can go out there and build.

Week #3 Goals

1.  Finish the 2 cabinets in the kitchen.
2.  Recycling over Wednesday.
3.  Plant corn, carrots and lettuce.
4.  Finish pricing garage sale items for Thursday.
5.  Start packing suitcases.

6.  Clean off and organize Joe's office area so that I can have a packing area without the necessity of tripping over suitcases for the next week or so.
7.  Get a babysitter for the cats.
8.  Clean up the stray cat so that he can finally come in the house.
9.  Listen to as much of the homeschool conference this week as possible!!
10.  Clean up the front flower bed and get the hostas planted, and get the new tree planted where the scene of the "accident" happened a couple weeks ago.  Don't worry, the only casualty was our very tiny pine tree we planted a couple years ago for Earth Day.  It was no match for the riding lawn mower.

Everyone have a great week.  If you want to check out what others are doing or want to link up your goals, check out Mama Manuscripts.


  1. You got quite a bit accomplished, good for you:)Thanks for linking up to the NOBH:)

  2. You have done alot, way to go and thank you for sharing your posts on NOBH!
